31 December, 2012

Bye 2012! Welcome 2013!

Arini adalah ary ke-366 di taun 2012, the last day in the year 2012!
Trime kasih Allah utk nyawa yg masih ad di jasad cmey ini!
Xtau nk tulis pasal pe laa!!
Idea plishh! Plish! Plish! I need idea! Huh!

Arini ary ke 18 tanpa dia, msj die, kol dr die, everything about him..
Xsenang sbnrnyer tp xsemestinyer ssh kn..
So ak cube yg terdaye tuk pergi dr idup die..
Wahhh pehal cte sedeh lak ni..
Lantak laa.. nk wt ucapan utk die gak!!

Dear mr poyoco! 
Siyesly i miss u sooo damn much!
Letting u go is not as simple as eating..
It is really, really, really hard, i mean it..
Juz like a dying process! Very hard and hurt!
But because i luv u, i do the best i can ok?!
I always pray for u, may the good things comes to u in everything that u do..
Org xperfect utk berada di sisi insan seperfect awak..
Sbb tu org tarik diri ni dan pergi jauh dr dunia awak..
Awk tau cmne nk cri org kn?
Satu ary nt bile awk rse org msih kwn awk..
Cari la org sbb org xpenah anggap awk musuh org
Awk ttp kwn n someone special utk org..
Yg pasti awk bkn ensem sgt k.. so jgn nk poyo sgt taw!
Mkwe merah jgn di lupe walaupun da dpt mkwe biru taw!
U r one of the best things that had happen in my life!
Tengs sgt2 pnh hadir dlm idup yg sementare ni!
Really appreciate it!
Tanpa keraguan! 
I luv u till the end! Hope to see u in jannah! 
Take care k dear mr poyoco!
Really luv u but hate u most!

Utk ary terakhir ni, ak nk dedicate lagu kt my mr poyoco..
Ermmm tp lagu ap ek..
Ermmm.. Ermmm.. Ermmm..
Ok da jumpe! lagu ni..

Sebagai conclusionnyer..
Selamat jalan 2012.. Flies with luv!
Selamat datang 2013.. Comes with new hope!
Senyum.. Senyum.. Dan trus senyummmm!!

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